Routines, after a certain period of time, could become consistently tiring. Many people, fed up with their daily routines and the eternally hectic schedules, establish their own ventures to work on their own terms. Venturing into the web-business is one of the most popular choices of the modern-world that holds a promising and prosperous future. This reminds us of a story, in fact, a life-changing experience we’d like to share with you! Scroll down through this blog to explore this exciting piece of a story.
Here’s how it happened!
We’re sure, you all must have comes across a website named E-Shabdkosh. It is one of the most comprehensive websites comprised of an online dictionary, a translating facility, idioms, quotes, and proverbs. It is a growing web address regularly adding loads of useful information to the web-world and helping out visitors with solutions.
E-Shabdkosh is launched and developed by one of our students who had come to us enquiring about our digital marketing course. He was literally fed up with his routine and wanted to learn something new and innovate. He was looking out for a course that would take him through all the modern-age dynamics of digital marketing and help him with his endeavors of launching his own digital venture. He went through the course content and joined the course full-time, thus completely focusing on his aspirations.
The first steps
Barring the initial technical roadblocks that he encountered, his journey with us was otherwise completely productive, both in terms of the knowledge he acquired and the internship that he did with us for the first couple of months. Our trainers guided him through all the aspects of digital marketing, thus developing comprehensive digital marketing expertise. As in the case of all our students, he too was guided by our technical and strategic team throughout his internship, thus helping him strategize and develop a truly intriguing and informative website. With the help and guidance of our strategic team, he could position his website in an engaging manner within the targeted audience. As a result, his website’s visitor traffic increased, and so did the audience engagement levels!
Striding towards success!
Later, when we observed that his website has been trending well within the web space, and in fact, can do much better with the help of some more technical tools, we advised him to use AdSense. He quickly took up the advice, since he already knew the significant role that AdSense, as a digital marketing platform, plays in achieving virtual success, and also as he had become an expert at it while pursuing the course.As a result, the website met with steady and sustainable success. Today, E-Shabdkosh is one of the most reputed and popular online dictionaries, translators, helping its users to a large extent. Our guidance, the student’s devotion and his urge to excel in his digital career, have resulted in a consistently well-performing website, with a continuous upward graph, better online branding for the website, and an ever-growing web-traffic, coupled up with a steady monthly income for him!