
6 Steps to create a perfect content marketing strategy

Posted by: Digital Skills
Category: Blog

Content Marketing

As has been rightly said Content Marketing is the gap between what businesses produce and what customers actually want. If you dig down and study the different forms of advertising you will reach the same conclusion that most already have. All form of marketing is on their basic level a form of content marketing. To really ensure that your business succeeds you have to have a solid content marketing strategy. In the following paragraphs, we will look into the points that go into making a good content marketing strategy and some tips to ensure that your content marketing strategy succeeds.

How to create a content marketing strategy?

Follow these pointers below to formulate your own Content Marketing Strategy. These points will form the framework for your content marketing strategy for you to build on.

Purpose and Goals:

For any content marketing strategy to be a true success, you have to begin with what you want to achieve from your marketing. Note down the purpose and goals of your strategy so that you will have something to aim for. Define your Goals for the marketing strategy on an overall basis and then break those down into individual stories that you plan to share with your customers.

Define Your Audience:

If you have been in business for a few years chances are that you know your customer segments pretty well. If not, work on finding out who your customer is. Hubspot calls this step creating your buyer persona. You will need to make a rough draft of the person you are selling to. Include their gender, age, demographic indications, geographic indications. Any information that can help you properly target them will be a plus.

Digital Marketing Audience

Know Your Story:

Work on the story that you are trying to sell. You could tell your story through one blog post, or through several mini clips on YouTube. Whatever the medium may be, be prepared with the skeletal framework of the story you are going to make. Since you already have your audience profile ready, use it to put your audience in the story. Make them the hero of your story. They should feel immersed in the story and be a part of the journey you are trying to take them on.

Identify Your Distribution Channels:

Usually, it isn’t the best-written content that wins; it’s the best-promoted content that wins. You may think it’s not fair and one some level it isn’t, but how will your content even be acknowledged if no one has heard of it? While you are starting with your content you have to already have it in your mind the different methods you will be using to distribute the content.

Outline Your Frequency:

For your customers to really be followers of your content you need to get them used to a certain frequency of posting and stick to those timelines. For e.g. if your clients know that you post on Wednesday afternoons, ensure that you do. That way they wait for your content to be published every week.

Measure Your Efforts:

Posting and Distributing isn’t enough. You have to measure your efforts. Measurement will help you determine where you missed out on opportunities and how you can improve in the future. Keep optimizing your efforts on every social channel till you reach the pinnacle of your market.

Follow these steps outlined by Digital Skills and you will receive significantly better results in your content marketing efforts. Digital Skills is Pune’s Premier Digital Marketing Course provider. We have been providing Digital Marketing Classes in Pune for over 2 years now, but our faculties have teaching experience of over 13 years. If you want to learn how to write better content or how to best distribute the content that you have written then you are more than welcome to join our Digital Marketing Course.

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